If you’re a patient of Occupational Therapy Brisbane and are either attending our clinic or you’re having a therapist visit you at your home please note this essential information with regards to COVID – 19.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Patient Alert
As part of our work to support our patients and the community, we’d like you to be aware of the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) OT Brisbane Practice Response.
This includes…
Telehealth and In Clinic Use of Face Masks
As of January 2022 until further notice all appointments will be preferably completed online via telehealth or if conducted in the clinic a face mask will be required at all times.
We are complying with QLD Health directives listed here which are constantly updated.
Potential COVID Symptoms and Contact Risks
Have you experienced a fever, cough, sore throat, or shortness of breath
Had contact with someone diagnosed with or suspected of having Coronavirus
Have travelled internationally or domestically (Victoria or NSW) or within QLD Known COVID Cluster locations or in close contact with another known infected person in the last 14 Days;
If you have experienced any of the following prior to your appointment, please phone ahead and advise our reception staff before an OT attends your home or you present to our clinic.
We Encourage All Clients of Occupational Therapy Brisbane Be Aware What Is Required For Confirmed Case and Close Contacts
Please make sure you are familiar with the latest requirements for confirmed cases and close contacts.
- If you are diagnosed with COVID-19, you must immediately isolate, for 7 days from the date you took your COVID-19 test.
- If you are a close contact of a diagnosed case of COVID-19 you must:
- if you have symptoms, get tested and immediately quarantine, for 7 days from the date the diagnosed case took their COVID-19 test
- if you don’t have symptoms, immediately quarantine, for 7 days from the date the diagnosed case took their COVID-19 test. You will need a negative day 6 test to be released from quarantine.
- Close contacts are household members or household-like contacts of a diagnosed person.
- A household-like contact is a person who has spent more than four hours with the diagnosed person in a house or other place of accommodation, care facility or similar.
The Isolation for Diagnosed Cases of COVID-19 and Management of Close Contacts Direction (No. 3) provides further information.
What are the COVID- 19 Symptoms
Symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) compared with common cold and flu
According to QLD Health, the common symptoms of COVID-19 include
- a fever (a temperature higher than 37.5 degrees),
- a cough,
- sore throat,
- runny nose,
- fatigue,
- shortness of breath, loss of taste and loss of smell.
It’s worth noting that everyone who gets COVID-19 will experience it a little differently. For an easy to use and understand symptom checker please see this COVID Symptom List Here
When Do You Need To Get Tested
Anyone with COVID-19 symptoms needs to get tested. You can use a Rapid Antigen Test (RAT). You should only get a PCR test if you cannot get a RAT. While RATs may be difficult to access currently, we expect supplies to increase over the coming weeks.
Review the testing requirements and find a testing centre here.
Anyone who has been to the following locations at these times should monitor their health and, if they develop even the mildest of COVID-19 symptoms, get tested.
Testing access is variable and challenging and we request that if you’re concerned about your infections status we can offer an online consultation rather than a face to face assessment.
When Can You Finish Isolation And See A Therapist?
If you’ve been diagnosed with COVID-19, you can see your therapist if:
- 7 days have passed since undertaking the test, and you haven’t had any symptoms for at least 48 hours; or
- 10 days have passed since undertaking the test, if you still had symptoms on day 7.
No doubt this is a fluid situation for our community and our practice. Our commitment to your and our safety is paramount.
Should you be in any doubt please let us know.
Should you have any concerns please do not hesitate to get in touch with us either via phone at 1300 783 200 or via the Contact Us Page using the form below.