Most older adults find driving their own car the easiest way to get around. No doubt, it’s a source of independence and freedom for many people.
From being able to get to the local shops, visiting distant family and friends or travelling Australia wide, driving can be a deep part of a person’s identity.
The Safe Driver Hub provides a comprehensive cognitive fitness to drive assessment service for existing drivers 75 years of age and over or people living with a neurological condition.
Assessments To Clarify Your Cognitive Skills To Drive
Chronic health changes and particularly those seen with neurological conditions can impact on a person’s ability to live life. No doubt, driving safely is one area of public concern.
Health conditions can impact the skills necessary for driving such as your:
Memory skills, movement and coordination, strength, perception and sensation, for example, which is seen more so in people 75 years and older than younger people.
That’s one reason why drivers, 75 years and over, are subject to regular medical assessments and OT driving assessment. So, if you’re an older driver, and want to keep driving, you’ll need to see your doctor at least once every year for a medical assessment to drive.
Your GP may be confident to make this decision. In some cases, they may request an Occupational Therapy assessment to help clarify your cognitive fitness to drive.
That’s where the Safe Driver Hub services can help.
Gives A Complete And Compassionate Assessment
In the comfort of our clinic rooms, you’ll be assessed on:
How well you understand traffic rules, signals, hazards.
Your judgement and awareness skills (vehicles, people and objects).
Whether you have good reaction times and visual perception.
Whether you can make quick decisions about what to do next when things go wrong.
Your movement, strength, memory and thinking skills, and
How confident you feel behind the wheel.
The Possible Outcomes Of The Assessment
You pass by demonstrating your ability to meet the cognitive fitness to drive criteria, or
The therapist is unclear and further assessment is required. This means an on road assessment is recommended with a certified Driving Occupational Therapist using a driving instructor's vehicle.
Lastly, we're sensitive to the impact when a person is deemed no longer able to meet the cognitive fitness to drive criteria. This decision is based on a thorough OT driving assessment. At this time, alternatives to driving are discussed and a plan is formed with you and commonly loved ones.
When Should A Person Get Their Cognitive Fitness To Drive Assessed?
Are you concerned about a person who is showing possible changes in their driving abilities? Perhaps you’re aware of a person’s medical condition that is likely to affect their ability to drive safely. In these situations we recommend you liaise directly with your GP who may recommend an OT driving assessment.
In order to schedule an occupational therapy assessment a detailed medical summary and referral is required before we can accept any appointment.
All in all, the Safe Driver Hub is designed to help older adults stay safe on our roads by providing them with information about their cognitive skills related to driving and how they can improve these skills.
The hub also aims to provide reassurance that there are services available should a person’s GP want a detailed and compassionate OT driving assessment.
How To Refer To The Safe Driver Hub
If you are an older driver, the Safe Driver Hub will help identify your strengths and weaknesses in order to provide recommendations on how best to improve your safety behind the wheel.
Here’s How You Can Get Started At The Safe Driver Hub
Your General Practitioner is welcome to refer to the Safe Driver Hub. We are unable to accept a self referral for this service without a medical referral and health summary.
If you’ve been diagnosed with dementia, Alzheimer’s disease or another form of memory loss, then our Memory and Thinking Hub can be used as part of a wider plan to support your independence and goals.
The Safe Driver Hub is one pillar of our Neurotherapy Hub dedicated to servingserve people living with neurological conditions.
Memory and Thinking Hub
Therapy programs to help you overcome your memory loss and thinking changes.
Memory and Thinking Hub
Therapy programs to help you overcome your memory loss and thinking changes.
Functional Movement Hub
Tackle your functional challenges so you can live a full life without obstacles.
Functional Movement Hub
Tackle your functional challenges so you can live a full life without obstacles.
Modify Your Home Hub
From simple to complex solutions there are many ways to achieve a safer and easier home.
Modify Your Home Hub
From simple to complex solutions there are many ways to achieve a safer and easier home.
Neuro Technology Hub
Matches you with the right technology, tools and devices to achieve your goals.
Neuro Technology Hub
Matches you with the right technology, tools and devices to achieve your goals.
“When assessing a person’s cognitive fitness to drive, we’re sensitive to what driving means to you and offer the support and resources to make the transition as easy as possible”