Inspiring Patient Stories

Stories To Inspire Your Brain Recovery and Rehabilitation
Are you a stroke survivor, suffered a traumatic brain injury or perhaps you’re living with a condition that changes like dementia, Parkinson’s disease or MS, whatever your situation, we’d like to share with you how people start to overcome their neurological adversities. No doubt the impact of living with a neurological condition, is for many, maybe much like your experience, the hardest battle they’ve ever had to face.
As a family member or caregiver, living with a neurological condition affects your entire family and close friends as well.
Beating the frustrations, confusion, anxiety, fear is never a straight forward path.
Some days are great, others are almost like going backwards or like being “stuck in treacle” and you just “want my life back to normal”.
That’s why we wanted to acknowledge people’s efforts on their journey. What they’ve achieved and continue to do, is a testament of their resolve to keep at it.
We call these people Neuro Warriors! People who are taking the fight to their condition and situation in life and are wanting to help others by sharing their story with you.
We love working with people who aspire to this way of life. No, it’s not an easy path. We started the rewarding and acknowledging people for their individual effort by establishing the “Neuro Warrior Award”

What Is A Neuro Warrior: Offering Inspiration To Others
Here's how the Neuro Warrior journey, maybe like yours, can start with us.

Helps You With Your Neuro Recovery and Rehabilitation
For many people, they’ve been in hospital or seen their doctor, had medical advice and a diagnosis and then the question you’re left with is “What Can I Do About My Neurological Condition?” “What are my choices in life?” “How can I get back to my life?”
After all, there’s no cure for most neurological conditions but what if there was a better way to live?
Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone say, here’s some things you could try out, let me know how you get along?
Well, that’s exactly what we want to do. Helping you find solutions to problems you may encounter during your day to day life, to help prevent further changes or support your rehabilitation.
- Neuro – rehabilitation services such as stroke recovery and stroke exercise of Parkinson’s Disease programs
- Memory and Thinking Hub services to support dementia assessment and treatment or recovery after brain trauma or brain surgery
- Brain health and wellbeing programs to support brain recovery lifestyles
- Home modifications and neuro assistive technology to help people live better and do more

The Neuro Warrior's Journey Looks Like This

Your Initial Assessment and Recommendation
Your first assessment helps us identify the best way to work with you to meet your goals.
Working together with your therapist, we combine our expertise and use evidence based tools and in house developed programs with your knowledge and personal experience to focus on the right areas for you. This helps us produce clear and realistic goals and recommendations.
You’ll appreciate everyone is unique so this demands a personalised and thorough approach.
Outcome: You’ll receive either a brief or comprehensive report depending on your situation and connect with your medical professional and other health specialists.
Your Treatment
Following your assessment, your personalised recommendations may take the form of a program or block of treatment with set goals, lifestyle changes, equipment prescription or home modifications. We’ll only recommend treatment for as long as we feel clinically necessary and our aim is to make you independent of us rather than dependent upon us.
Outcome: You’ll receive services which support you until the goals are achieved or significant adjustments are required.
Complete Therapy Programs: Therapy, Coaching, Education
This is an end to end experience of Assessment, Recommendation and Treatment.
Some people decide they’re comfortable to implement some of the recommendations by themselves, others require a more hands on approach and support.
That’s why we offer you a comprehensive therapy service which combines all aspects of therapy as well as long term coaching. The Coaching and Education programs are to help people with the long haul of living with brain skill changes.
Outcome: A tailored clinical service combined with a end to end hassle free experience
Inspiring You To Your Next Steps
We offer this page to serve as inspiration. Each person’s story is their own and is not a guarantee or validation of therapy outcomes. Neuro Warriors are awarded based on their personal strengths and have consented to share with you their personal journey.
Do I Need A Referral?
General practitioners, community agencies and yes, self referrals are all welcome. Please call us or let’s get connected by using the form below.